Molecular Research Kits
Plasmid MiniPrep Kit
[125preps], [250preps]
■ Ready-to-use plasmid DNA in 30 minutes
■ Isolation of low- and high-copy plasmid DNA
■ Highly reproducible yields of up to 20 ug/3 mL high-purity plasmid DNA
■ No requirement of organic solvents such as phenol and chloroform
[Manual] go to>>
Storage: stored at room temperature for at least 2 years
*BMR buffer: After additing RNase A, BMR buffer is required to be stored at 4ºC and it stable for 1 year

Gel & PCR Purification Kit
[125preps], [250preps]
■ Dual Kits 2 in 1 : Gel Extraction+ PCR Purification in ONE
■ Used our registed Silica based DNA binding column
■ One of popular products for scientists in Korea
■ Quality has been guaranteed
[Manual] go to>>
Storage: stored at room temperature for at least 2 years
Plant gDNA Extraction Kit
■ Plant gDNA Extraction has unique challenges that require kits specifically
designed to deal with carbohydrates, phenolics, and other compounds abundant
in plant tissues
■ At Academic, Public research labs, affiliated labs with a company and so on,
the quality has been guaranteed
[Manial] go to>>
Storage: stored at room temperature for at least 2 years
*The Proteinase K should be stored at 4º